5 Questions to ask an asphalt maintenance company

5 Questions to ask an asphalt maintenance company

Googling for an asphalt company near me can be an exhausting and tedious exercise. You'll no doubt find an unending list with each site promising that it's the top-notch asphalt repair company and a lot of sales pitch chatter. So, how do you separate a good sales pitch from a competent and reliable asphalt repair contractor? Here are five questions to ask local paving companies to assist you in your search. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN AN ASPHALT MAINTENANCE OR PAVING CONTRACTOR? When going through the search results of your "asphalt company near me" search, consider how long each contractor has been in business. Them having a history equates to having developed skills important in asphalt maintenance. Look for someone who has at least a…
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You don’t need asphalt repair annually

You don’t need asphalt repair annually

Having a parking lot means you have to worry about asphalt paving and asphalt repair, probably looking at asphalt repair companies in Boise yearly. It's an expensive process and an annual cost that never stops but, what if you could cut down on that pesky bill? While it's true that you'll always need to keep up maintenance on your driveways and parking lots, it doesn't have to at the rate you're doing it. Let's talk about what yearly asphalt repair actually does and see how we can cut down on those asphalt maintenance costs.  THE PROBLEM WITH PATCHING POTHOLES Driveways and parking lots are meant to be driven on but, you can't always dictate the weight of the vehicles riding around on it. Asphalt cracking and…
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5 reasons to have an asphalt parking lot

5 reasons to have an asphalt parking lot

Not everyone uses asphalt in their parking lot design and that is a bit of a headscratcher. If you don't have an asphalt parking lot and are looking to improve your home or business's property, consider upping your game with asphalt paving. Rather than being pigeon-holed by the initial cost, look to the future and the myriad of benefits, including saving money, that paving gives your property. While this isn't to compare and contrast the different materials you can use for a parking lot design or driveway, it does lay out why asphalt paving is the best choice. Here are five reasons why having an asphalt parking lot gives your home or business an edge IT'S VERSATILE You don't need a large parking lot design…
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5 Reasons to clean your asphalt

5 Reasons to clean your asphalt

Parking lot maintenance and asphalt cleaning can do a lot to stave off pavement repair and cut down on spending time looking for an asphalt repair company. It's easy and helps to keep your asphalt looking like new as well as keeps it healthier longer. In fact, many people choose asphalt paving because it's easier to care for and clean than concrete or cement lots. While there are professional asphalt cleaners with specialized equipment, there are things you can do to keep your parking lot or driveway looking like new longer. Here are five reasons that you should clean your asphalt, with or without professional services. CUT DOWN ON THE NEED FOR ASPHALT REPAIR Regular cleaning does a lot for parking lot maintenance and helps…
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