Frequently Asked Questions
What's the difference between RejuvaShield Penetrating Asphalt Rejuvenate and Sealcoat?
The primary difference between RejuvaShield and Asphalt Emulsion (Sealcoat) is the most important one, Emulsion sealers do not penetrate the asphalt. Another difference is that the Sealcoat is an emulsion in a water suspension while RejuvaShield is a complex hydrocarbon mixture that contains no water. The primary difference is important to note because emulsion seals only protect the surfaces of the asphalt binder while RejuvaShield penetrates, rejuvenates, and replenishes the natural oils lost through the oxidation process
Does RejuvaShield contain Gilsonite?
No. RejuvaShield is a complex hydrocarbon mixture of asphalt oils and solvents.
How Does RejuvaShield compare with other asphalt rejuvenators?
While all asphalt rejuvenators have the same basic design mix, the difference with RejuvaShield is that we use the highest grades of raw stock materials using double distilled rejuvenation oils for the highest quality available. Many asphalt rejuvenator manufacturers use the cheapest materials to meet specifications. We do not.
How long does RejuvaShield extend the life of my asphalt?
The average life-extension of your asphalt is 3-5 years. If RejuvaShield is applied within the first 12 to 18 months after installation and every 3-4 years thereafter, as recommended, it could extend the asphalt life indefinitely.
How often should RejuvaShield be applied?
RejuvaShield should be reapplied every 3-4 years after the first application or when needed. Weather factors, as well as seasonal temperatures, are a factor in when RejuvaShield should be readministered.
Should crack sealing be done before or after RejuvaShield is applied?
We recommend using a crack sealer after RejuvaShield is applied. The prep work, such as removing vegetation, routing, and cleaning the cracks should be done before RejuvaShield is administered. This allows RejuvaShield to create a clear and fresh bonding surface for the crack seal to do its work as well as rejuvenate the walls of the cracks.
What is the prep work that should be done before applying RejuvaShield?
Any dust, dirt, debris, vegetation, and moisture must be removed from the asphalt binder. The lot can then be washed with high-pressure water and then leave it to dry for 24 hours. We do recommend high-pressure air rather than water due to the damage water can do to asphalt.
How long does RejuvaShield take to dry?
The time it takes for the asphalt rejuvenator to dry depends on a number of factors including ambient surface temperature, the temperature of the air, the humidity, and the application rate. The range can be from 4-24 hours depending on these factors. Once the RejuvaShield is applied, a minimum of 24 hours is recommended before allowing traffic on the surface.
Can the lot be painted directly after applying RejuvaShield?
No, the asphalt rejuvenator needs time to dry before applying paint to the surface. We recommend a minimum of 24 hours.
When is the best time to apply RejuvaShield?
The ideal time to use RejuvaShield is at the 1-4 year point, the sooner our asphalt rejuvenator is applied to your asphalt the sooner it can be preserved. This further protects your lot from weathering and oxidation.
What is the application rate of RejuvaShield?
RejuvaShield is administered in one application and varies from .035 gallons per SY to .085 gallons per SY, depending on the asphalt condition.
Is there anytime RejuvaShield shouldn't be applied to my asphalt?
If your asphalt is less than 6 months old then RejuvaShield shouldn't be applied. It is best for your asphalt to be at least 1-year old before administering the rejuvenator. As RejuvaShield is designed to reintroduce the natural oils back into the asphalt binder, if the asphalt is fresh you run the risk of saturating the lot.
Also, if the asphalt is too far gone for any kind of treatment to bring it back, RejuvaShield will improve the appearance of the lot while not necessarily providing any rejuvenation benefits.
Check out the BlakRoc Site Services blog to learn more about asphalt maintenance.